RT-BC Wharf Induction T2 Employees

Native Education & Training College
Of Business, Healthcare,
Human Services & Technology

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RT-BC Wharf Induction T2 Employees

RioTinto Major Projects Kemano

This course presents the different operations of the Wharf Area and the applicable safety measures.

Target Audience

All RT-BC employees accessing one of the Wharf area.


Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

• Identify the key areas within the Wharf area

• Describe the critical risks and their controls in these areas

• Explain the Wharf area process overview

• Identify the key equipment

• List the safety rules followed in the Wharf area

• Identify the area-specific personal protective equipment (PPE)

Course Content

Educational Approach

Interactive e-learning presentation.


Evaluation: Built-in exam.

Passing Score: 100%

Price: $49.95


This training is recognized by the following client corporations:

Rio Tinto BC Works, Atlantic Operations, Aluminium

RioTinto Major Projects Kemano