NETC Grading Format

A+ = 96-99%: Demonstrates consistent academic excellence.

A = 95%: Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of the curriculum and the ability to apply it with originality and independence.

A- = 94-90%: Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of the curriculum and the ability to apply it with originality and independence.

B+ = 89-87%: Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of the curriculum and the ability to apply it and communicate that knowledge.

B = 86-83%

B- = 82-80%

C+ = 79-77%: Demonstrates basic knowledge of the curriculum and the ability to apply it and communicate that knowledge.

C =76-73%

C- = 72-70%

D+ = 69-67%: Demonstrates limited knowledge of curriculum

D = 66-63%

D- = 62-60%

R = 0-59% Repeat program, acceptable standards for course have not been met.

I = Incomplete, grade is not available at this time.

U = Unsatisfactory performance to the level of an established standard.